I’ve lost confidence and became unapologetic...
Have you ever felt like how did I get here? I used to be so free, so passionate, so unlike the Jasmine I am today.
Today, I pondered that thought while sitting on the best beanbag a girl can find, a Yogibo.
It hit me. I've lost confidence in myself. The vibrant, crazy, sometimes impulsive has lost confidence. Okay, not all, but in some areas, yes.
During my freshman pool party, the DJ played a song that was my jam. I saw a nearby table and danced on it. I met my best friend that night. I wore crazy colors, change the hair color once a month, and go on wild adventures.
I worked as a program manager and shot my shot with then MTV VJ, Amanda Diva, and now Amanda Seales to interview with my CEO to promote our crowdfunding campaign. That we raised 120%!
I curated a sexual assault awareness month event after moving to a new city four months prior (the Mayor was the keynote speaker).
So what happened?
You don't realize how things, people, or events chipped away at your confidence almost without you noticing. Until one day, you wake up and wonder who the heck is the person staring back at you.
* I allowed people to speak into my life their limiting beliefs
* I didn't truly define what success looks like to me (I do now)
* I thought failing at something I didn't love was the end of the world (if you didn't define success, is it failing?)
But there's this unapologetic part...oh yes. The areas of confidence I lost like
* unfamiliarity in the civilian world (things are so different on my side of the professional world, as much as I thought I was in touch, I'm not)
* How to navigate the civilian world
* How do you shoot your shot when you don't know how to shoot? (I was the person who stayed in the career counselors office and studied job descriptions and how to tailor my cover letter, now I'm like, huh?)
So what makes me unapologetic?
I know care a lot about people; it shows in my actions, how I lead, who I choose to surround myself. I'm bold in my convictions. Because I'm aware of God's purpose in my life, I know he enables my gifts to make room for me. Finally, why not? No need to be timid; either they'll like, or they don't. That's okay. I'll go where I'm celebrated.
I lost the childlike confidence and gained an unadulterated, unapologetic boldness. So here’s living out our God-given purpose all out!
Do you recall a time where you lost confidence? How did you regain it back? Or how did you reframe your circumstance?